Word Counter
Text Details
Sentences: 0
Paragraphs: 0
Reading Time: 00:00
Top Keywords
Welcome to our Word Counter, the ultimate tool for writers, students, and professionals seeking precision in their texts. In a world where every word counts, our tool offers you the power to measure and refine your content with ease. Whether you're crafting the perfect tweet, fine-tuning an essay, or optimizing your website content, our Word Counter is your reliable companion. Elevate your writing and meet your word count goals effortlessly. Plus, for a deeper analysis, explore our Text Summarizer to distill your content into its most impactful essence. Start counting today and unlock the full potential of your words!
Recommended Word Counts
Wondering about the ideal length for your text? Here's a quick guide to typical word and character counts for various types of content:
Social Networks
- Twitter post: 71-100 characters
- Facebook post: 80 characters
- Instagram caption: 100 characters
- YouTube description: 138-150 characters
- High school: 300-1,000 words
- College admission: 200-650 words
- Undergraduate college: 1,500-5,000 words
- Graduate school admission: 500-1,000 words
Blogs, Work, and Literature
- LinkedIn article: 1,900-2,000 words
- Blog posts: 500-800 words
- Cover letters: 200-400 words
- Resumes: 400-800 words
- Short stories: ~7,500 words
- Novellas: ~17,500-40,000 words
- Novels: ~70,000-120,000 words
Popular Works
- A Game of Thrones: 298,000 words
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: 76,944 words
- Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: 187,790 words
- Animal Farm: 29,966 words
- Infinite Jest: 483,994 words
- Ulysses: 265,222 words
- Of Mice and Men: 29,160 words
- Pride and Prejudice: 122,685 words
- Atlas Shrugged: 561,996 words
- The Great Gatsby: 47,094 words
- The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: 38,421 words
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: 30,644 words